Get all courses - New filters for more accurate results
After numerous requests to improve the ability to filter all courses and improve the accuracy of results, we've added a number of improvements to the query params of the “get all courses” request.
Impacted endpoint
New query parameters :
courseName : you can now filter by a string included in the name of a course sheet.
studentId, professorId, groupId & trainingId : you can now provide a comma-separated list of ids (e.g.: groupId=foo,bar) and it will return courses where one of these resources is included.
creatorId : you can now filter by the attendance sheet creator id.
noProfessorSignature : easily filter by if teacher has signed or not.
infoStudents : display less or more student informations in function of your needs.
dateCreated and dateUpdated : you can now provide a date range to get specifically sheets related to your creation or update dates.