JUMP TOEDUSIGN APIAbsencesArchive an absence reasondeleteGet all absence reasonsgetCreate an absence reasonpostDelete a justified absencedeleteGet a justified absence by IDgetUpdate a justified absencepatchGet all justified absencesgetCreate a justified absencepostCreate a justified absence between two datespostAppsGet an app parametersgetGet a school application detailsgetGet public marketplace applicationsgetGet a public marketplace application detailsgetAttachmentsDelete an attachmentdeleteGet attachment by IDgetUpdate an AttachmentputGet all attachments for a resourcegetAdd an attachment to a resourcepostClassroomsDelete a classroom by ID.deleteUpdate a classroom.putDelete a classroom by name.deleteGet all classroomsgetCreate a classroompostGet a classroom by namegetConnectorsGet all connectors logsgetCoursesRemove a student from a coursedeleteDelete a coursedeleteGet a course by IDgetGet all coursesgetCreate a coursepostGet course ID by API IDgetGet a professor signature link on a coursegetGet a student signature QR Code on a coursegetGet the students signatures links on a date rangegetGet a student signature link on a coursegetGenerate a presential sheet for a group on a date rangegetLock a coursegetGenerate a PIN code for a coursegetReset student signature for a coursegetGet a course timestampsgetVerify a course QR CodegetUpdate a coursepatchSet absences between Edusign and an ERPpatchUnlock a coursepatchSend signature emailspostAdd a student to a courseputDeprecatedArchive a documentdeleteGet a justified absence by IDgetGet all documentsgetGet all document templatesgetGet a document template by IDgetGet a document by IDgetSend a document for signaturepostSend a document without templatepostSend a document template to signpostDocumentsCreate a document using base64postGet all documentsgetCreate a Document Using an Existing TemplatepostArchive a documentdeleteGet a document by IDgetDelete a document templatedeleteGet a template by Document IDgetGet all directoriesgetGet a directory by IDgetGet template by document IDgetGet all templatesgetGenerate a professor course summary between two datespostGenerate a student course summary between two datespostExternalsArchive an externaldeleteGet an external by idgetDelete an external variabledeleteGet all external contactsgetUpdate an externalpatchCreate an externalpostGet an external by emailgetGet an external's variablesgetCreate an external variablepostUpdate an external variablepatchGroupsArchive a groupdeleteGet a group by idgetDelete a group variabledeleteGet all groupsgetCreate a grouppostGet a group by namegetGet group ID by API IDgetGet a group's variablesgetCreate a group variablepostUpdate a grouppatchUpdate a group variablepatchPresential_StatesSet an absence for a studentpatchCreate a comment for a student.patchSet a delay for a studentpatchSet an early departure for a studentpatchSet an exclusion for a studentpatchSet a presence for a student - Only for courses without signature.patchProfessorsArchive a professordeleteGet a professor by idgetDelete a professor variabledeleteGet all professorsgetCreate a professorpostGet a professor by emailgetGet professor ID by API IDgetGet a professor's variablesgetCreate a professor variablepostUpdate a professorpatchUpdate a professor variablepatchSchoolGet a schoolgetUpdate a schoolpatchGet a school's daily coursesgetStudentsUnlink an external contact to a studentdeleteArchive a studentdeleteGet a student by IDgetDelete a student variabledeleteGet all studentsgetCreate a studentpostGet a student by emailgetGet external contacts of a studentgetLink an external contact to a studentpostGet student ID by API IDgetRestore a studentgetGet a student's variablesgetCreate a student variablepostUpdate a studentpatchUpdate a student variablepatchSend an attendance reportpostGet a student attendance summarypostSurveysDelete a surveydeleteGet a survey by IDgetGet all surveysgetCreate a surveypostGet all surveys templatesgetGenerate a PDF surveypostSend a survey completion reminderpostTrainingsArchive a trainingdeleteGet a traininggetUpdate a trainingputGet all trainingsgetCreate a trainingpostGet training ID by API IDgetRemove students or professors from a trainingpatchAdd students or professors to a trainingpostRestore a trainingpatchUsersDelete a userdeleteget an usergetGet all usersgetcreates a new user in EdusignpostUpdate a user permission levelpostUtilsGet inputs from an Adobe documentpostGet inputs from a text documentpostPowered by Generate a PDF surveypost https://ext.edusign.fr/v1/surveys/generateGenerate a PDF survey based on the answers of the participants.