๐Ÿ““ Edusign Library

Edusign Library

The Edusign Node.js NPM library is a powerful tool designed to simplify the integration of Edusign's REST API into your Node.js applications effortlessly.

With this NPM library, developers can streamline the process of integrating Edusign's features into their Node.js projects, enabling seamless attendance management.


Edusign Node.js NPM library :

You can retrieve our Node.js NPM library here

Key Features :

An easy integration

The library offers a straightforward integration process, allowing developers to quickly connect their Node.js applications to Edusign's REST API.
Through intuitive functions and methods, developers can initiate and manage document signing workflows with minimal effort.

Robust functionality

Access Edusign's feature-rich capabilities with ease.
Perform tasks such as creating document signing requests, retrieving signed documents, and managing user interactions effortlessly using the library's well-documented functions.

Secure communication

Built with security in mind, the library ensures that communication between your Node.js application and Edusign's API is secure.
Our library supports industry-standard encryption protocols and authentication mechanisms, guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

Comprehensive documentation

Developers will benefit from an extensive documentation along with the library.
The documentation provides clear and concise instructions, code samples, and usage guidelines, making it easy for developers to navigate and implement Edusign's features in their projects.

Customizable options

Tailor the library to your specific requirements with customizable options.
Whether you need to implement specific signing workflows, customize user interfaces, or handle different document types, our library provides enough flexibility to adapt to each one of your use-cases.

Getting Started

To get started with the Edusign Node.js NPM library, install it using npm :

npm install @_edusign/api

You will have to generate an API Key by creating a private app on Edusign, you can retrieve our documentation here.

import { Edusign } from "@_edusign/api";

// Create a single edusign client for interacting with Edusign API  
const edusign = new Edusign("<YOUR_API_KEY>", "production");  
// You can check the API Doc to see API possibilities : <https://ext.edusign.fr/doc/>


API tutorials

Here's an example snippet to make a request to retrieve, create, update and delete the courses :

Get all existing courses

Get all courses :  
// Get all courses  
const courses = (  
    await edusign.courses()  
        2, // pagination  

Create a new course

Create a course :
// Create a course  
  const newCourse = {  
    NAME: "Growth hacking (mandatory)",  
    DESCRIPTION: "Course about growth hacking",  
    START: "2020-01-20T15:00:00", //  (ISO 8601 datetime)  
    END: "2020-01-20T18:00:00", //  (ISO 8601 datetime)  
    PROFESSOR: "dfgh6789Uhghj",  
    PROFESSOR_SIGNATURE: "", // signature URL if the teacher has signed  
    PROFESSOR_2: "dfgh6789Uhghj",  
    PROFESSOR_SIGNATURE_2: "", // signature URL if the teacher 2 has signed  
    PROFESSOR_3: "", // courses can have an infinite number of teachers, ordered by the number at the end of the key  
    CLASSROOM: "B102",  
    SCHOOL_GROUP: ["ghj865fgh897Tgh"],  
    MAX_STUDENTS: 23, // maximum number of students that can be enrolled in the course , optional field  
    ZOOM: true / false, // Create a zoom meeting and invite all the student to this meeting. /!\\ Beta & Only works if you have set up zoom in the settings  
    API_ID: "", // API ID,  
    SURVEY_ID: "amsk22ovssga19f", // ID of a survey template (optional)  
    SURVEY_1_AUTOMATIC_SEND_DATE: "2022-02-23T09:20:00", // automatic sending date of the survey to the participants of the course (optional)  
    TEACHER_SURVEY: "amsk22ovssga19f", // ID of a survey template for the teacher (optional)  

  const course = (await edusign.courses().add(newCourse)).result;